CNNC PV power project operational in Sanmen this December | Updated: 2023-03-17

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Construction of a photovoltaic power station funded by China National Nuclear Corporation is currently in full swing in Sanmen county, Taizhou, East China's Zhejiang province. [Photo/WeChat account: tzfb001]

Construction of a photovoltaic power station funded by China National Nuclear Corporation is currently in full swing in Sanmen county, Taizhou, East China's Zhejiang province.

The project, which broke ground in September 2022, is being built over a tidal flat that spans more than 2,000 mu (133.3 hectares).

Backed by 1 billion yuan ($145.66 million) in investments, the facility with 370,000 solar panels is expected to generate 200 million kilowatt hours of electricity annually when it becomes operational at the end of this year.

Compared to a thermal power plant with the same gross electricity generation capacity, the station can save about 140,000 metric tons of standard coal and reduce the emission of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide by 240 and 500 tons a year respectively.

In addition, local export companies that utilize electricity generated by solar energy will be exempt from carbon tariffs levied by Europe and the United States, according to Chen Guorong, an official at the Sanmen Development and Reform Bureau.