Freight route links Taizhou with Vientiane | Updated: 2023-03-01

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A freight train carrying 55 standard containers loaded with more than $6 million worth of commodities departs from Toumengang port in the county-level city of Linhai in Taizhou for Vientiane, Laos, on Feb 28. [Photo/WeChat account: tzfb001]

A freight train carrying 55 standard containers loaded with more than $6 million worth of commodities departed from Toumengang port in the county-level city of Linhai in Taizhou for Vientiane, Laos, on Feb 28.

The train carrying goods including medical products, water pumps, and sewing machines produced from Taizhou will travel 3,337 kilometers before reaching its destination five to seven days later.

That same day in 2022, the first Taizhou-Europe freight route, which connects Taizhou with Duisburg, Germany, was launched.

The route was followed by the opening of several other cargo routes linking with the city with countries including Poland, Italy, Hungary, Spain and Russia. In 2022, 203 million yuan ($29.42 million) worth of goods produced from Taizhou were transported via these routes, according to official data.

That same day, Taizhou inaugurated 20 warehouses in 20 countries along the routes and authorities pledged to provide free rental for two months to users.