Children friendly zebra crossing unveiled in Wenling | Updated: 2023-02-15

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A zebra line which claims to be friendly to children in Wenling, a county-level city in Taizhou, East China's Zhejiang province. [Photo/]

Wenling, a county-level city in Taizhou, recently unveiled a zebra crossing which is touted as "children friendly".

The crosswalk, which is adjacent to the Chengxi Sub-district Kindergarten, is multi-colored and features patterns including footprints, cats and frogs.

The crosswalk was designed based on feedback solicited from the kindergarten and its students, according to Lin Jianyu, chairman of the women's federation in Chengxi sub-district.

The stripes in bright colors like green and blue can help improve visual cues and enhance children's sense of safety in an area that has heavy traffic, Lin said.

The colorful lines at the school gate, apart from acting as a reminder for vehicles to slow down, have also enhanced the children's traffic awareness, said Zhu Xiaoyu, principal of the Chengxi Sub-district Kindergarten.

Its establishment is part of Taizhou's efforts to build itself into a children friendly city. In December 2022, authorities rolled out an action plan to pilot the program in its central urban area as well as the county-level cities of Linhai and Wenling.