3 places among top 100 districts in technological innovation in China

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2023-02-15

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Three districts – Jiaojiang, Huangyan, and Luqiao – in Taizhou, East China's Zhejiang province, recently made the 2022 list of top 100 districts in terms of scientific and technological innovation.

Jiaojiang came in 43rd on the list released by the Guoxin Small and Medium Cities Index Research Institute, while Luqiao and Huangyan ranked 58th and 76th, respectively.

It is the fifth year in a row that Jiaojiang has been listed among the top 100. This outstanding performance can be primarily attributed to sustained efforts made by the local government to spur innovation among enterprises.

In 2022, more than 71 million yuan ($10.43 million) in incentives - an uptick of 90.5 percent from a year earlier - were allocated by Jiaojiang to stimulate innovation.

Over the same period, a record 29 companies were designated national high-tech companies, bringing the total number of high-tech businesses in the district to 134.

Jiaojiang has also made headway in strengthening ties between prestigious universities and local companies.

Industry leaders such as Zhejiang Crystal-Optech Co Ltd and Lepu Pharmaceutical Co Ltd have reached partnerships with colleges like Taizhou University, Taizhou Vocational and Technical College and the Yangtze River Delta (Taizhou) Research Institute of Tsinghua University.