2 Taizhou companies earn provincial recognition

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2022-12-01

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An aerial view of Leo Group based in Wenling, a county-level city in Taizhou. [Photo/WeChat account: tzfb001]

Two companies from Taizhou, East China's Zhejiang province made the 2022 list of Zhejiang leading private multinational corporations released by the provincial commerce department on Nov 30.

The two honor recipients from Taizhou are Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd and Leo Group.

Huahai Pharmaceutical was founded in Linhai, a county-level city in Taizhou in 1989. It went public on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2003 and is among the top 100 pharmaceutical companies in China. The company is also the nation's largest pharmaceutical preparations exporter to the European and American markets, with more than 40 of its products being sold in the United States.

Meanwhile, Leo Group, which is headquartered in the county-level city of Wenling, is a company focusing on the R&D, production and sale of pumps.

In 2015, Leo established the first lab in China capable of detecting toxic and harmful substances in the pump industry and formed a partnership with Tuv Nord, a renowned German certification agency.

In 2011, the Leo Technology Center was recognized as a national enterprise technology center, becoming the first such center in the pump industry.

Leo's operating revenue surged from 1.62 billion yuan ($231 million) in 2012 to more than 20 billion yuan in 2021, official data show.