Amusement park bolsters common prosperity | Updated: 2022-05-17

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The children amusement park in Taoxia village, Daxi town, Taizhou, East China's Zhejiang province. [Photo/WeChat accout: tzfb001]

Taoxia village has recently gained popularity as a haven for children in Taizhou, East China's Zhejiang province.

The village opened a children amusement park earlier this year, located in Daxi town in the county-level city of Wenling, is funded by individual villager and has generated more than 1.3 million yuan ($200,000) in revenue in four months.

In November 2011, the village established a professional cooperative with a registered capital of 6.6 million yuan to seek tourism development. The registered fund was raised from 70 percent of villagers, each contributing 4,000 yuan.

Low-income villagers only had to pay 1,000 yuan to become shareholders of the park, while the remaining 3,000 yuan was covered by the government, according to Zhang Dongsheng, Party chief of the village.

After preliminary surveys, Taoxia built a children's amusement park, given there are no such facilities in Daxi town. Villagers will share dividends generated by the project, with some having also landed a job in the park to earn an extra income.

Zhao Jiaming, a resident of Taoxia village, is among the beneficiaries. Zhao used to have to move around to different places for work to support his family, which includes two disabled children, and the park has given him a reliable job providing logistics support.

In recent years, rural tourism has been flourishing across the country. Developing amusement facility has become a new way for rural areas to attract visitors. 


A view of Taoxia village, Daxi town, Taizhou, East China's Zhejiang province. [Photo/WeChat accout: tzfb001]